GNA – Jigawa State, Nigeria (2021)
Feasibility design for 13,000ha greenfield irrigated cane development split between drip and centre pivot irrigation including 15km long bulk water supply system of canals and large bore steel piping all fully compliant with Bonsucro standards.
OLAM Rice – Nasarawa State, Nigeria (2011, 2018, 2021)
Feasibility designs for already completed phase 1 (4,400ha) and phase 2 (2,000ha) paddy rice irrigation scheme including bulk water pumping system, internal drainage, flood protection works and drainage pumping arrangements. Ongoing technical backup on road and drainage construction works.
Nasarawa Sugar Project, Dangote Sugar Refineries – Nigeria (2018 - ongoing)
Feasibility study for the ongoing development of a 20 000ha sugar estate in central Nigeria, Nasarawa State.
Demeter Pre-Feasibility Study, Malawi (2017-2018)
Reconnaissance level soils investigation of the project area. Conceptual layout and design for an irrigated organic sugarcane estate, including roads, drainage, housing and processing facility. A capital and operational cost estimate was compiled, together with a market study.
ATFC II Agriculture Evaluation with Implementation Budget, Mozambique (2017- 2018)
Resource analysis and soils investigation to identify 1 000 ha of land for rain fed crop production and 500 ha of irrigated macadamias out of the larger project area. The overall capital cost of the project was estimated at US$14 million.
Outgrower Development Study, Sunti Golden Sugar Estate – Nigeria (2017)
Feasibility study to determine the areas and their associated costs of development for 3 000ha of estate and small-grower sugar production.
Irrigation Conversion Project, CSKN Estate – DRC (2017)
Feasibility study to understand the viability of developing 4 000ha of existing cane to irrigation under Centre pivot.
Babator Project, AgDevco - Ghana (2014-15)
Feasibility to develop a green fields agricultural project of 6 000ha of irrigated area for the purposes of producing food crops to include commercial, outgrower and small-grower components. Model farm currently under construction.
Talisima Estate - Angola (2014)
Feasibility study to rehabilitate this 5 000ha estate for mixed row cropping and irrigation development.
Savannah Estate, Dangote Sugar Refineries - Nigeria (2013-14)
Feasibility study to rehabilitate the 6 000ha sugar cane plantation and to expand by another 4 000 ha.
SK Basin Development, IWAD - Ghana (2012 -13)
Feasibility study of a 10,000ha potential irrigation scheme in Northern Ghana to develop food security for the country.
Metuchira Tongaat-Hulett Açucar - Moçambique (2012)
Conducted a feasibility for Acucariera de Mafambisse to undertake the development of a 4 100ha sugar development to supply an extra 400,000t of cane to Mafambisse mill.
Hippo Valey/Triangle Expansion - Zimbabwe (2012)
Conduct feasibility study to expand the operations of Triangle and Hippo Valley by a further 4 000ha on land in Triangle and Hippo Valley estates for small-holder allocation. (US$150 000)
Bankable Project Document, Sekab Bio-Energy - Tanzania (2007 - 2010)
This project was planned to develop 17 000ha of sugarcane in the Bagamoyo region for Ethanol production for a Swedish Ethanol manufacturing & distribution Company.
Xinavane Small Growers, Açucareira De Xinavane - Moçambique (2009)
Feasibility study to raise funds for the development of 1 200 ha of small grower cane using a consortium of funds from EU to commercial banks. This project was implemented in 2010 and 2011.
Markala Sugar Development, Illovo Africa - Mali (2006 - 2007)
Commissioned to carry out a Feasibility Report to for Phase 1 (4 500 ha) and extrapolate costs to develop from virgin land 15 000 ha of irrigated sugarcane development off the Niger River.
Massingir Ethanol Development, Procana Ltd – Moçambique (2006)
Carried out a Pre-feasibility study to develop 15,000ha of sugarcane for Ethanol production and Co-generation situated South East of the Massingir Dam in Gaza Province, Southern Moçambique.
Lomaz Small Holder Sugar Project - Zimbabwe (1997)
Feasibility for the Development of a 1 000ha of Small Grower Cane in various communal and resettlement areas in the Bindura district.
Tica Feasibility Study, Tongaat Hulett - Moçambique (1995 - 1996)
Produced the feasibility study to develop 2 500ha of Sugar cane on land attached to the Mafambisse Sugar Mill in Mocambique. This is envisaged as an irrigated scheme and would include 500ha of Small Growers as well as 1500ha of large private growers and some Miller -cum-Planter cane