Kasinthula Sugar Cane Growers Trust – Malawi (2019 – ongoing)
Contracted to resuscitate, rehabilitate, and manage a 2,100ha irrigated smaller holder scheme and to provide critical training to local staff and trust members.
Pyxus Estate – Malawi (2019-21)
Detailed drip and centre pivot irrigation design for 350ha north and south blocks for outgrower farmers for row cropping.
Phata Phase 2 Development, Phata Outgrowers Cooperative - Malawi (2016)
Designed and developed a 300ha irrigated sugar and food security scheme with a combination of overhead irrigation systems. This is an expansion of the very successful phase 1 scheme developed to provide small-scale farmers with a scheme to sell sugarcane to the Illovo factory.
Phata Phase 1 Development, Phata Outgrowers Cooperative - Malawi (2012)
Successfully sourced funding from EU, designed and developed 300ha small-grower cane farm in the Shire Valley on behalf of Phata community farmer organisation to supply cane to Nchalo estate.
Hippo Valley Small Grower Development, Tongaat Hulett Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe (2012)
Consultants to Tongaat Hulett (Zimbabwe). Feasibility of development options for the expansion of sugarcane area of 4 000ha to be divided into 200 small scale farm units.
Xinavane Small Growers Expansion, Acucareira De Xinavane - Moçambique (2007– 2014)
Contracted by Acucareira de Xinavane as EPCM to design and develop of a total of 3 000ha of various expansions to Maguiguane and Macuvulane small-grower schemes and new development of the 3 de Feveiro small grower land.
Improved Livelihoods Programme (I-Life), USAID - Malawi (2005 - 2009)
Technical Support in Irrigation. Provision of technical support and capacity building to technical field staff from seven NGO consortiums working in seven Districts in Malawi on irrigation designs and implementation of small-scale schemes (900ha). Irrigation technology includes simple river diversion works and gravity canal reticulation
Small Holder Irrigation Project (Ship), AfDB - Malawi (2005 - 2008)
Providing experts to assist in the feasibility through to development of 980ha of small -scale irrigation development in the Lower Shire Valley.
EPCM, Maggobbo Small Holder Project - Zambia (2000)
Designed and Developed 500ha of furrow irrigated sugarcane for the Maggobbo farming community in the Mazabuka area of Zambia.
Lower Komati Basin Development Project - Swaziland (1999 - 2002)
Sub-consultants to Stewart Scott (International). This project in Swaziland uses water from the newly built Maguga Dam – annual yield for the project of 83 000 Ml. Work included soil analysis, site selection, land use planning, and providing a Framework for operations and management for about 7 000ha of irrigated small growers development in sugarcane.
EPCM, Kasinthula Small Holder Project, Illovo - Malawi (1997 – 2000)
Designed and Developed the first two phases of the ca 1200 ha of furrow irrigation at Kasinthula in the Shire Valley of Malawi. This is a scheme initiated by Illovo Sugar with the idea that it will be totally controlled by Small Growers.
Lomaz Small Holder Sugar Project, Bindura, -Zimbabwe (1997)
Carried out a Pre-Feasibility study for development of a 1 000ha of Small Grower Cane in various communal and resettlement areas and was officially awarded the contract to carry out the full study and development programme prior to the project being shelved due to political uncertainties in Zimbabwe.