Wildlife Park Management
The concept of Agricane developing a wildlife area was cemented from the get-go as part of our core principles since its founding in 1996. Today we have the privilege of being custodians of one of Malawi's last remaining riparian forest habitats besides Kaombe Estate, a wooded area directly adjacent to two bodies of water, the Shire and Thangadzi Rivers.
A boundary fence was erected in 2014 around this riparian forest and wildlife including buffalo and giraffe, and ten species of antelope were swiftly reintroduced. This area is known as the Thangadzi River Conservancy (TRC). The TRC area boasts a variety of big and small mammals and a huge variety of birdlife, with 350 species recorded. And finally, in 2022, a wildlife lodge powered by solar power was built to accommodate the increasing number of visitors, birders and keen volunteers.
Not only does Kaombe Estate have access to this unique riparian forest habitat, but it also prides itself on the fact that it borders an internationally important Ramsar Site, namely the 61500-hectare Elephant Marsh. The totality of this is incorporated into our ‘Shire Valley Conservation vision’ approach.
More recently a Public Private Partnership project proposal alongside the Malawian Department of National Parks has been set in motion, to help rebuild, restore, restock and rewild this important National park, Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve which is just 5kms from our Kaombe Estate, and is in feeble health. We believe we can change that, and turn it around.
Agricane’s ambitions in sustainable agriculture and commercial cane growing reach far beyond the boundaries of farming. They encompass a wholesome approach to all that Malawi has to offer. Besides the passion for regenerative and sustainable farming practices, alongside wildlife and environmental conservation, Agricane has a vested interest in uplifting the Malawian communities based in the Lower Shire Valley, providing jobs, local enterprise and hope for their future.
For further details visit our Shire Valley Conservation webpage or click the link below: