Kasinthula Small Holder Development Project - Malawi (1999- 2007) & (2019 – Ongoing)
Agricultural management contract. Contracted for a six-year period following the construction phase to supply personnel and expertise in managing the complete affairs of this small -holder project. This includes all financial, administration, social and agricultural aspects of the normal running of a sugar estate. Re-engaged 2019 to assist with improving yields and overall condition of the estate.
Phata Outgrowers Cooperative - Malawi (2013 – Ongoing)
Agricultural management contract. Contracted for an initial five-year period following the construction phase to supply personnel and expertise in managing the complete affairs of this small -holder project. This includes all financial, administration, social and agricultural aspects of the normal running of a sugar estate. This contract was extended in 2018 for an additional period.
Sunti Golden Sugar Estate – Nigeria (2016 – 2019)
Provision of Agricultural Management and Survey team to assist the development program to achieve the target of 600 000 t/annum cane.
Skip Pilot Farm Development - Ghana (2016 - 2020)
Management contract of 400ha multi-crop pilot scheme with a combination of surface and overhead irrigation systems. This is to prove the best way forward for irrigation expansion for small -holder commercial farming.
Kaombe Estate, Nchalo - Malawi (2009 – Ongoing)
Contracted to manage the complete Operations and Maintenance of a 1 000ha farm in Southern Malawi.
Mumias Sugar Company - Kenya (2008 – 2011)
Agricane was contracted by the largest sugar producing company in East Africa to provide Management Staff to assist with a strategy to improve sugarcane yields for both the Nuclear Estate and the Out Growers. This also includes the supply of professional services of Engineering, GIS, Agronomy and Training to back up the management supplied on site.
Alumenda Estate Management - Illovo, Nchalo - Malawi (2003-2008)
To provide full time personnel to undertake the management of this 2 700-ha sugar cane estate including all agricultural and accounting practices. Resuscitated the performance from 87tc/ha to 118tc/ha over 5 years.